南美旅行中的生活時光。traveling living working in south america



【冰島求生記】#5 小陽春|【Surviving in Iceland】#5 Indian summer

轉工、申請冰島的身份號碼,這是我來冰島後過得最簡單和無憂的三個星期。|Changed job, applied for Icelandic ID number, it’s the most stress free time since I’m in Iceland.

【冰島求生記】窮風流升級版|【Surviving in Iceland】Living for free (version 2.0)

在冰島生活一是超貴,一是免費,我(被迫)選擇了後者。只是怎麼都想不到,免費生活可以變得如此風流,想要什麼有什麼。 It’s either free or very expensive to live in Iceland. I (involuntarily) chose to live here for free. But I could never imagine how I could live here for free so comfortably and could get everything I needed for free… Continue Reading →

【冰島求生記】#4 風雨過後 |【Surviving in Iceland】#4 After storms

日子終於平靜下來,算是捱過了當初最徬徨的時刻,但平靜的日子又可以有多久?| After the tough beginning in Iceland, we were kind of settled down and our days were finally getting peaceful and quiet. But for how long?

【冰島求生記】#3 廁所一夜|【Surviving in Iceland】#3 One night in toilet

為了省錢,為了旅行,還有哪裡不可以睡?|How far can we go for surviving in Iceland? To sleep, or not to sleep in the toilet: that is the question.

【冰島求生記】窮風流 |【Surviving in Iceland】Living for free

沒錢別來冰島是常識吧?但原來冰島也可以是窮旅人的天堂|Iceland is only for rich tourists? Not necessary. See how we live for almost free




都說無聊才讀書。 回香港一段日子了。 既然「要麽旅行,要麽讀書,身體和靈魂必須有一個在路上」,那就看書吧。 看了村上春樹十年前的舊作《黑夜之後》,當中有個故事是這樣的:

旅人的故事|A sad traveler’s story

從新聞得知日本重開福島受核地區,這卻令我想起一位去年在阿根廷南部 El Calafate 曾經遇上的日本旅人。 From the news today, I read that Japan has reopened part of the radiation-hit area in Fukushima today. It reminds me a Japanese traveler I met in El Calafate in south Argentina last year.

南美音樂有好多種 (2)

在秘魯經常聽到一種叫 Reggaeton(直譯是 “Big Reggae” 的意思)的音樂。這種原被稱為 “Spanish Reggae” 的音樂,是南美近十年非常流行的一種較新的曲式。

取之自然|Take it from nature

理想生活是什麼? 能活得簡單自在,(半)自給自足便已經很好了。 How do you want to live your life?  I just want to live a free and simple life.

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