第二朝還未到六時,我便懷著驚恐的心情,再次踏進這個廚房,跟那位不會說英語的資深同事見面|I came back to the hotel kitchen early next morning and met with the head maid.
Mui 姐
捱過第二天,到第三天時,阿 Mui 姐就休息去了,整個早餐的煮食工作,竟然就由我一人負責,而曾志偉就忙他擺桌的工作。好在還有貓紙,一板一眼的跟著來做,再加上早兩日給 Mui 姐罵得狠,所有步驟都不敢遺漏,只是手腳還是不夠快,有時又忘了東西放那裡,要曾志偉幫忙一下。經過三日的訓練,到第四天時,我已經不用貓紙了,因為貓紙都不見了,嗚嗚~還好 Mui 姐今天還在休息,看不到我的甩漏。
如此捱過了一星期,經理就叫我去見她。當我還在暗暗盼望經理會說我做得不夠好,叫我不用再負責煮食而改由其他人去做時,她居然說 Mui 姐對我讚不絕口,說我做得非常好!或者經理說的對,沒試過就不要說自己做不到。
- 待續… 下期最終回
前文:#6 鑊鑊新鮮
After She found out I didn’t speak Icelandic nor Lithuanian, she had an OMG expression on her face with a hand covered her forehead and exclaimed,
“why don’t they send someone who speak Icelandic here!” (ok I didn’t really know what she said, I just guessed).
Well, neither I nor she wanted it but the breakfast must go on, so she had no choice but showed me how to make the breakfast for 200 guests now.
The good thing was you didn’t need to do thing from scratch for the hotel’s breakfast. Technically, they were all ready food and I just had to throw everything into the oven. All I needed to know was the sequence, quantity and timing to make them. So it wasn’t that difficult. Also, there’s no big communication problem between the head maid and I. It’s actually quite simple. When she talked about bread, she showed me the bread with her fingers showing the quantity. As long as I followed her actions and instructions well and quickly, everything would be fine. And most importantly, I jotted all the procedures and details down to make sure I wouldn’t forget anything next time.
The head maid was a very strict and straightforward person. Whenever I did something wrong, she wouldn’t hesitate to point it out in a loud voice and correct me immediately. Or when I was not quick enough, she would just urge me repeatedly. That made me really nervous to work with her at first. On the other hand, she’s very nice with me. When we were not that busy, she would pour me a cup of coffee and told me to relax. She even talked about her granddaughter and showed me the picture of her during our break. She didn’t look like an easygoing person at first but I was glad to work with her.
After two days of training, I was responsible for making the breakfast all by myself because the head maid was on her day off. Though I was still not quick enough and made few mistakes, I could complete the job without much problem. It’s definitely the result of the her strict training and the help of my notes.
After a week of stressful hard work, I was called to see the manager. I secretly hoped that they were not satisfy with my work and would send me back to my original section. After all, for someone liked me who had no experience and proper training in kitchen, it’s not really my fault if I couldn’t do it. But my life in Iceland never went along with my plan. The head maid was very happy about my performance and highly praised me in front of the manager. Maybe the manager was right. I should never say I can’t do it until I try (hard).
Bit by bit, I overcame different difficulties to survive and stay here in Iceland. While I was proud and happy again after the meeting and thought I would stay in the kitchen for awhile, Iceland surprised me again in a bad way. I had serious problem this time.
— To be continued…
Previous: #6 You must be kidding me