理想生活是什麼? 能活得簡單自在,(半)自給自足便已經很好了。

How do you want to live your life?  I just want to live a free and simple life.

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Florianopolis 是巴西南部 Santa Catarina 省的首府,主要由主島 ilha de Santa Catarina、內陸及附近小島組成,跟香港的港九新界離島的組合其實幾似。

Nara 的舖屋位於主島南端路的盡頭,人少但大自然自有很多法寶供應。只要取之合時有道,環島是有不少天然食材的。清閒時我們都會四圍走走,看看有什麼驚喜。這次我們便走到南端一個無人沙灘,摸下青口撈下海帶,加餸。

Nara’s house is located at the end of the southern part of the ilha de Santa Catarina, the main island of Florianopolis.

The nature has a lot to offer here only if you know when and how to get it properly and sustainably. We like to track around in our free time to look for it. This time we went further south to a small deserted beach for some free and organic ingredients for our dinner.