
It’s difficult to get out of Paraguay, nor was it easy to get into Bolivia.

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第二天清晨六時便出發,千辛萬苦終於走到了玻利維亞 Ibibobo 的出入境管制站,這裡的職員卻先是一輪呼喝,然後拿著我的 BNO 唸唸有詞的 Chinese,Chinese,再質問我們出境巴拉圭的日期為什麼是前天,不是昨天(昨天邊境關閉了嘛,你會不知道嗎?),再之後什麼問題都找不出來了,便轉向我們的貨車司機發難,唬嚇他以後也不可再帶人,否則會找他麻煩。我們雖然心中有氣,但亦只能唯唯諾諾。終於都拿到了入境蓋章,我們便急步離開返回車上,這時又有另一名入境站職員問我們拿證件看,然後就問我們拿”貢獻”, 要我們給他巴拉圭貨幣。我們身上只有1500Guarani,即兩毛半美金,他嫌少就沒拿也就放我們走了。貨車司機跟我們說,他們如此為難我們都只是想找碴拿錢。







After two days and nights, we finally got to the border between Paraguay and Bolivia. While we were happy our truck had finally been cleared from the Bolivian custom after another 8 hours of waiting, the border was suddenly closed without any prior notice.

After spending another night of waiting, the border was opened again and we eventually arrived the Bolivian immigration in Ibibobo at around 8am. The immigration staff here was completely different. They were NOT nice. They tried to make problems for us and even threatened our driver not to take any people on the route again, or they would give him a hard time. When we got back to our truck, another immigration staff came to check our passports and asked us to ‘contribute’ some Paraguayan Guarani. Well, all we had was 1500 Guarani, that’s like 0.25USD. It was too less and of course he wasn’t very impressed but he still let us go without taking any money at the end.

It’s a big comparison between the Paraguay and Bolivia immigration. For sure the bad staff doesn’t represent the people of Bolivia, but I believe the good staff reflects the general kindness of most Paraguayans.