
Some might say, if you haven’t been robbed, you haven’t been to South America.

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Being robbed is nothing new in traveling South America. I was robbed by a truck driver and his partner from hitchhiking in Tierra del Fuego in Argentina. Of course I didn’t like about my money and iPod were gone but the most I hate about it is the trust between people was exploited and the feeling of being stupid and betrayed.

Anyway, the journey must go on and you’re gotta see thing from the bright side. I was actually feeling relief after I no longer need to worry about carrying money and if someone will steal it from me. Not only this, I started another way of traveling and learned to travel more economically and found out that without spending money, the quality of traveling didn’t necessarily change and the happiness remained.

This is a training to survive and to travel at the same time. Be flexible and adaptable are the keywords here.